Stay Connected to Berean When You're on the Go.
The Church Center App is Completely FREE.
- Download the Church Center App from the App Store or Google Play.
- Find Berean Baptist Church within the app (If you already have a profile with us through our website, Berean should auto-populate. If not, you can search for our campus by location.)
Download it Today!
Here's What You Can Do Using the Church Center App:
Enjoy Sermon Videos and podcasts
Catch up on the sermons you missed, or listen again to the ones you loved.
Register for Berean Kids & CHECK-IN
Reserve a spot for your kids by pre-registering them for weekend programming. Speed up the check-in process by starting before you even arrive. Select all the kids in your household that you want to check in. When you arrive, scan your phone at a check-in station to receive your labels.
simplified Giving
Make giving easy for both spontaneous and recurring donations. Give instantly using your debit or credit card or via ACH bank transfer. Manage your recurring donations and payment methods and view your donation history.
Connect with Staff & Pastors
Use the "Connect Card" button to request prayer and let us know how we can help you get plugged in to Berean. Your request goes to pastors and staff who are happy to connect with you.
Connect with Small Groups
Discover and connect with small groups from the group directory (organized by categories and tags). Once you join a group, you can view the event calendar, group members, shared resources, and message your group members from the app.
Personal Profile Management
Keep your profile up-to-date by making changes and managing contact information yourself. View your profile information, including event registrations, giving history, group membership, and contact information, under the "Me" button at the bottom of your screen.
Update Your Contact Information
If you have questions, stop by the Connect Wall during weekend services, and we'll be glad to help you get set up!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to use the app?
No. While we believe the app is an incredible tool, you can continue giving, watching sermons, registering for events, and more through
Does the app take the place of
No, the app does not replace our website at Our website remains a one-stop-information-shop for "doing life" at Berean. The Church Center App provides an easy-to-use tool for behind-the-scenes functionality that backs up The app allows you to remain logged in so you can jump right to the action you want to take without signing in or waiting for an authentication code. The app is a shortcut if you know what you want to do.
What if technology is not my thing?
Visit us any weekend at the Connect Wall in the Commons. We're always happy to help sign you up for events, groups, serving opportunities, and more or walk you through accessing what you need. You can also email with additional questions.