Contact Us


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309 County Road 42 East
Burnsville, MN 55306


faith family

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Monday  - Thursday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.


To request pastoral care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, please dial 952.432.7168 and follow the prompts.

To make funeral arrangements, email or call Sherri Jones at 952.223.1847. 


Please email Pastor Brent Birdsall, or dial 952.223.1806.


Baptism by immersion is an important step of obedience in your relationship with Jesus Christ as you not only follow His example but publicly proclaim your profession of faith in Him.

Adults start the baptism process by attending First Connection which happens on the first Sunday of every month. You'll learn more about what we believe at Berean and why we think being connected in areas such as membership, serving, giving, and growing in your faith is important. You'll also have the opportunity to share your story and get to know us better. 

Sign up for First Connection

Kids and Students start the baptism process by registering below. We will help parents and their kids through this process with a discussion on the gospel, help them write out their testimony, and together you will meet with the Family Pastor to affirm this step and ask any questions. Register your child or student for baptism here and we will begin this process together.

Child/Student Baptism Registration
