We do life better when we do it together.

Small Groups are the primary way we get connected at Berean.
We serve in our community, grow in our faith together, and share our lives with each other.

Each small group meets for one semester at a time, focusing on getting to know each other through meals, studying the Bible, and serving in our neighborhoods and communities. There are groups for every age and stage of life. Groups start each fall and winter. Sign up for a small group today.

What are some of the things Small Groups do?

  • Meeting and Eating - We develop a true community by regularly gathering together to share our lives, to share meals, to pray for one another, and to support and encourage each other.

  • Sharing - We spend time discussing the weekend's sermon, what we are learning, and how God is challenging us to grow in our faith.

  • Serving - We make a difference in our community together and invest in the lives of those that need to experience the love of Christ and to hear the message of the gospel.

Small Groups are meeting all over the South Metro, maybe even in your neighborhood, and new ones are forming all the time. There's a small group waiting for you.

Join a small group

Hear Matthew & Cristina's Story of life in a small group:

We do Life Better
When We do it Together.

