Our Story

God's redeeming love has made us people of hope.

With Jesus Christ as our foundation for life, we have an eternal hope that changes how we live now. As we look to the cross, we're reminded that the love of our Redeemer defines our story and transforms our lives. Even if we sometimes feel forsaken, we can trust God because he can turn the stories of our lives around. In fact, he is doing extraordinary things in our everyday lives. That's why the people of God can keep getting up in a world of people giving up. The gospel changes everything.

Our story is anchored in God's Word.

Berean began in 1963 with 13 families meeting in homes for Bible study. At that time, Burnsville's population was approaching 3,000. Over time, Berean grew out of people's homes and into a small chapel house. Now, through God's provision of grace and protection, we have over 1,500 people gather for worship each week at our campus and online. Together, we look forward to what the Lord will do in the coming years in and through our faith family as we gather for worship, grow in God's Word, give to the work, and go into the world.

Why the name Berean?

In 1963, our founders chose the name Berean from Acts 17:11. This passage describes the Bereans as noble people who “received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily.” We want to be like the Bereans, eagerly studying the Bible together and growing in God's Word.

What is a faith family?

We believe life is better when we do it together. We often refer to our body of believers as our faith family. As part of God's family, we gladly join in worship, prayer, giving, and serving with the common purpose of making and multiplying disciples of Jesus for the glory of God.

What is a Faith Family Celebration?

A few times each year, our entire faith family gathers in the Worship Center to celebrate what God is doing in the life of Berean. We share testimonies and ministry updates, witness baptisms and child dedications, and lift our voices in songs of praise. It’s an exciting time of connection, worship, and celebration when all generations of Berean come together as one church with the same mission!
