Berean Blog

Awesome Opportunity: How to Find Your Fit

by Cristina O'Sullivan on March 10, 2020

How do a former Army officer and a government media specialist experience joy and connection while teaching a classroom full of energetic children? Mr. and Mrs. Tyler seemed like naturals. They were incredible! So I asked Mrs. Tyler, my former Sunday school teacher, how she and her husband found their sweet spot while serving at church.

Connect Your Unique Personality, Passion, and Skills

“We had really playful personalities and thought serving in children’s church would be a great fit. The second and third-grade class we took over was huge. There were around 85 kids on the list! The teaching style of the previous leaders kept the kids seated, quiet, and bored.

"So, Mike (Mr. Tyler) created kid-sized expository Bible teaching, learned to be an illusionist and performed tricks that taught lessons, and led music from Psalty and the Donut Man that required lots of moving around and standing on chairs. He taught everyone to be FAT: faithful, available, and teachable.

“I got to tell missionary stories and share the adventures of Sunday School Charlie on a flannel graph, which was old-school even then, so I made the stories extra funny. I also wrote a newsletter for parents and baked cupcakes for the students to sugar them up every chance I got. I’m so grateful God gave us those three years in children’s church.”

How to Find Your Fit at Berean

Mr. and Mrs. Tyler’s unique communication skills, partnered with their love of kids and Jesus, allowed the gospel to be a life-long gift to their students. Their commitment to serving our class helped me learn a valuable lesson:

Serving is so much more than getting a job done. It’s an act of worship, a form of discipleship, and a source of joy and connection.

At Berean, I have the privilege of connecting people with different ministry opportunities. Some people come to me with an idea of where they want to serve, while many others are taking the first step towards discovering their fit.

When it comes to serving at Berean, we don’t just fill open spots. We want people to serve purposefully and joyfully in areas that use their God-given gifts and skills. So, how do we start that process?

Be Resolved

If you decided that serving is your next step to connecting at Berean, go for it! Ask all the questions, fill out a volunteer interest form and chat with a ministry leader. Taking the first steps toward serving starts with intentionality and a resolution to act.

Be Open

Staying open and flexible is key. Often we try a serving opportunity that we think will be the perfect fit. Sometimes it is and sometimes it’s not. And if it’s not, that’s okay. Perhaps try something you might normally say no to. Serving opportunities are multidimensional. You may find that you use your skills and talents in ways that you never considered. You might be surprised!

Be Patient

This process might take some time. This is true for most things, isn’t it? In order to get a feel for a serving area, commit a few months to that space. Spend time asking the Lord to show you how he wants to use you and your talents for his glory. Share your desire to serve with a friend who can keep you accountable as you work towards finding the right service opportunity.

Why Serving Matters to You and Me

We were all made to serve: as an act of worship to God, as a way to grow more like him, as a way to use our gifts and skills to disciple others, and as a way to contribute to the mission of sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I still have a relationship with Mrs. Tyler, who I now lovingly refer to as my friend Nancy. Over the years she continues to speak the gospel into my life. I’m so glad she found her fit all those years ago! She has since moved on from children’s ministry, yet she continues to disciple and encourage others to serve intentionally in their local church.

If you are ready to find your fit at Berean, I invite you to the Find Your Fit event on March 14 and 15. Register and explore the various serving opportunities — no strings attached. Shadow a volunteer during a shift and experience what it’s like to serve on one of our teams. If you love it, great! If you aren’t sure, let’s chat. We can help you find your fit at Berean.

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Tags: serve others, sweet spot, find your fit, opportunities for connection, burnsville volunteers, lakeville volunteers

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