Berean Blog

God Transformed My Fearful "No Way" into Joyful Service

Trust that God's presence in your life will make all the difference. Set aside fear and let your faith in God give you the courage to say yes to whatever he is showing you to be the next right thing to do.

by Christa Foss on April 06, 2021

There I was in my Miss Scarlet costume, sitting across the room and learning about a job opportunity. You can’t make this up.

Let me explain. I had been recruited by my husband’s employer to participate in a staff party and play the role of the infamous Miss Scarlet from the board game Clue. After the event, I was asked to stay and learn about a short-term opportunity on staff that was available. There wasn’t time for a costume change, so there I was dressed in character as I learned about the role of interim Berean Kids Director.

“We think you could be a great fit and would love you to prayerfully consider it.”

If you could have seen my thought bubble at that moment, it would have said something like, “Thanks, but no thanks!” or “No Way! No chance!”

Dressing up and playing a role for this theater girl was an easy yes. Stepping into a role in ministry? Hard Pass. Hard no, actually. I thanked them for thinking of me, expressed my gratitude, and said, “I'll pray about it.” Actually, that was my code for buying some time before bowing out and leaving.

Saying Yes to This Opportunity Seemed Absurd

I couldn’t wait to get home and process the absurdity of the offer with my husband. I was sure he would agree with me on all fronts. After all, I wasn’t qualified for the job. He knew that more than anyone. But he just smiled. Wait, what? Didn’t he know I wasn’t even remotely qualified for this?! I just wanted - and needed - permission from him to close the door and move on, to confirm what I already knew.

Next step? I created the good old pros and cons list. Surely this would make it crystal clear and confirm my no.

Here's my very logical list of why I should say no to the opportunity to serve at my church.

  • Zero ministry experience
  • No desire to work with kids (I didn’t even love babysitting as a teen.)
  • No leadership qualifications
  • Huge time commitment
  • 100% unqualified
  • Just signed up to volunteer at the NICU at the local hospital
  • Young family with small children of my own
  • Husband already in ministry (Isn’t that enough for one family?)
  • I didn’t go to school for this. (I majored in communications with an emphasis in speech and theater.)
  • A hodgepodge of a resume: retail, staffing, design firm, hotel
  • Fear of getting stuck in something I don’t like

And here was my very short list of pros for saying yes to the opportunity.

  • Currently doing career exploration/looking for a job

There you have it. Crystal clear, right? It wasn’t even close.

“I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears” (Psalm 34:4 ESV).

But God ...

If you’ve read to this point, then you likely see what’s missing in this equation: Jesus and prayer. It wasn’t my first stop, even though I knew it was supposed to be. I consulted my family and friends first. I’m a feedback girl. I wanted earthly counsel and confirmation. But what I came to realize is that I could have put one word in the Cons column. Fear. That was really it: my fear of failure and being exposed for what I didn't know.

Over the course of days, my heart softened and I really considered serving in the role. It was time to step in and not let fear be my reason to say no. I had to trust the Lord and allow him to equip me.

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (2 Timothy 1:7 ESV).

Where Fear Ends Faith Begins

I said yes and I was still very afraid, but ready.

Only the Lord knew that I would fall in love with vocational ministry. That interim role as Berean Kids Director lasted one and a half years, and this month I will celebrate 7 years on staff at Berean. During this time, I have never been more challenged and stretched in my entire life. Every. Single. Day.

Being Connected Is Vital to Growing in Our Faith

Back then, I made a pact with myself and God. Fear would not determine my response. Can you relate? What’s your barrier to connecting at Berean? We all have them. Are you letting fear be your reason to say no? I encourage you to pray and be willing to say yes. As you submit to the Lord's will, watch him transform your life.

Being connected to the gospel and the faith family is vital to helping us grow in our faith. At Berean, there are several ways to be connected, each offering a unique opportunity to draw close to God and to each other. When we connect with the church and the faith family through serving, joining a small group, baptism, or membership, we are committing to one another and to the mission of the gospel.

We want to help you take the next step in your faith journey at Berean. That's why we have created a three-step process to help you be connected: First Connection, Foundations, and Faith Story. Perhaps your next step begins here. Also, your active participation at Berean makes all the difference. Use your God-given talents and abilities alongside others in the Berean faith family to help make a gospel impact. We can help you get started serving at Berean.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” (John 14:27 ESV).

I'll leave you with this song of encouragement sung by Hope Darst. Trust that God's presence in your life will make all the difference. Set aside fear and let your faith give you the courage to say yes to whatever God is showing you to be the next right thing to do.

Tags: faith over fear, when fear takes over, can fear be a good thing, why fear is bad, what fear can teach us, how fear stops us from achieving, where fear ends faith begins, trust in god conquers fear

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