Berean Blog

Pleasant or Bitter: What Makes the Difference?

by Tony Manning on April 30, 2020

Welcome to Take Ten at Ten with Pastor Tony!

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Ruth 1:18 - 21

This passage of Ruth tells us that Naomi has returned to Bethlehem. She tells her friends to no longer call her Naomi, which means pleasant, but rather call her Mara, which means bitter, because she left Judah with a husband and sons and returned after they all had died. Her circumstances changed for the worse.

  • The pandemic has disrupted our lives in a difficult way. 
  • Naomi failed to see that God is in the midst of all circumstances. No matter what changes, God's character doesn't change. He is always infinitely wise and loving.
  • How will we embrace God when he gives and takes away? What is God teaching us about himself? Myself? How can we trust God with tomorrow when it's difficult to trust?

May God reveal that he's in control. He's molding us into his image during difficult circumstances. In fact, God uses difficulty to point his children to himself. So don't fall into the trap of going from pleasant to bitter. Trust the infinite wisdom and love of our heavenly Father.

Tags: loving, sanctification, wise, circumstances, difficulty, bitter, disruption, pleasant

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