Berean Blog

Week One: 40 Days of Prayer

by Tony Manning on November 22, 2020

Fellow Sojourners,

The city was in ruins. Not just any city; his city. His fellow citizens were scattered and many were taken into captivity with him. Nehemiah found himself broken and grieved over the condition of the city and the people he loved. Although he found favor in the eyes of the king as the cupbearer, his heart to rebuild his city and to revive his people moved him to shamelessly ask God for the unreasonable. Engaging God with prayer and fasting, Nehemiah boldly asked God to reveal himself as the one true God amid the chaos, confusion, and uncertainty of the day.

There are several similarities between Nehemiah’s situation and where the body of Christ currently finds itself. In particular, at Berean, we see our members scattered throughout the south metro because of COVID-19. We see the fabric of our communities being torn apart with racism and poisonous political rhetoric. Sin continues to wreak havoc in the lives of our families and the citizens of our cities. Our hope is not found in elected officials or vaccines. Our hope is not found in programs or events hosted in facilities or campuses. Our hope is in the one true God who has the power to gather his people, rebuild our communities, and heal our land.

We need to respond the same way Nehemiah did. We need to petition God through prayer and fasting. We are calling our family of faith to a season of prayer for forty days. During our 40 Days of Prayer, we will use this guide to prompt us for ways to pray with each other. I want to encourage you to record specific requests that you are lifting up and how God answers them.

Intentionally embrace this season of prayer for God to reveal himself to us individually and collectively.

Wholeheartedly embrace this season of prayer for God to position his church for his mission.

Humbly embrace this season of prayer for God to prepare us for new opportunities in the new year.

Expectantly praying with you,

Tony Manning, Executive Pastor

Week One: November 22 - 28

Suggested Weekly Reading: Nehemiah 1, Psalm 139, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Download the 40 Days of Prayer Guide.

“Grant, Lord, that I may know myself that I may know thee.” - Augustine

Where do we start? There is so much change we want to see in others and in the world that we often neglect where change really needs to start. Change begins in our own hearts. Embarking on a journey requires proper preparation and essential packing. However, this journey will require us to unpack before we get started.

  • Acknowledge the supremacy and sovereignty of God the Father
  • Confess the sinful bent of your heart and the fruit it produces
  • Thank the Provider of all the good gifts in your life - including familyand friends by name
  • Selflessly seek God for the needs in your life and the lives of those around you

May this season of prayer cause us to boldly approach the throne of our King and pray big prayers that only he can answer. May we be persistent in seeking him as he reveals himself, His purpose, and his ways.

Tags: 40 days of prayer, churches in lakeville, churches in burnsville, week one, prayer changes things, prayer changes everything

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