Berean Blog

What Are You Waiting For? Life Is Happening Now

by Rebekah Hall on November 17, 2020

Are you seeing anyone?

When are you getting married?

In God’s timing, you will find your person.

You’re still young. You have plenty of time.

If you are a single person, you might hear these questions or comments often. Here’s the thing, life doesn’t begin when you get married, or move, complete a degree, lose weight, buy a house, have a baby, land your dream job, or any other milestone you have in mind. Life is happening now! Every. Day. And you must choose to live the life God has called you to live.

Faith Versus the Fear of Missing Out

How we deal with fear reveals what we really believe about God. Is he bigger than my circumstances? Will he provide for all my needs? I’ve had to wrestle with God about big life decisions and completely surrender my plans and expectations to him.

I never expected that I would have to make big decisions on my own. I assumed I would have a spouse to make those decisions with me. Now that I have begun my career, moved out on my own, built a community, and found my faith family, I’ve learned a lot about myself and my identity in Christ.

As a single person, I’ve been able to experience God in a way that I never would have with a spouse or a family. I’ve been able to serve and invest in others because I have the freedom and flexibility to do so. I’ve been able to travel and experience new things with family and friends. I’ve surrounded myself in a community of trusted friends and mentors who I can turn to for prayer and guidance with all decisions.

I believe in Christian culture there is a subtle message that a person achieves greater value with the title of husband or wife. Once you are married, your life really begins. Just wait for it to happen. I have fallen into this mindset and sometimes I still do. But God is teaching me the joy of singleness!

Always Be Joyful; Be Thankful in All Circumstances

Life as a single adult has not been easy. I have shed lots of tears, endured frustrations, and felt disappointments along the way. Yet, I know God has a plan for my life and each part of it has a purpose.

“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

This is my life verse, especially during this season of life as a young adult. I challenge you (and myself) to take advantage of any season you are in. See it as an opportunity to grow in your relationship with Jesus.

Now, more than ever, I take time to linger in the Word and pray. I seize opportunities to be involved in the life of the church. There are joy and life in being single! There are joy and life in every season!

God Satisfies Our Souls

Use whatever season you are in to discover who God has created you to be because life is happening right now.

Waiting is hard. Waiting is tiring. Not everything is great, and it will not all be great even if/when you achieve that goal or meet that person. Only God gives life and can truly satisfy our deepest longings. When we try to get life from other things, they can take the place of God.

“All the good situations, locations, possessions, relationships, achievements, and natural beauties of this physical world are wonderful blessings from the hand of God, but they have no ability to give you the one thing that your heart desperately desires—life. Jesus said it this way: ‘I am the way and the truth, and the life’ (John 14:6). With these words, He ends our need to search. He is life, so there is no need to look for it anywhere else.” – Paul David Tripp, New Morning Mercies, November 5

Don’t miss out on your life! Set aside your emotions, fears, and expectations and look to God. In him, you will find abundant life and joy in every season!

Tags: what are you waiting for, be thankful in all circumstances, always be joyful, abundant life now, single adults living alone, being single during covid, berean young adult ministry

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