Berean Blog

Why We Can Celebrate Easter Every Day

by Tony Manning on April 16, 2020

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Jesus' Resurrection Changes How We Live

Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 ESV.

  • The Apostle Paul's life was impacted by the power of Jesus' death and resurrection. As Paul endured severe hardships, he was able to continue preaching the gospel of Christ.
  • When we feel powerless and uncertain in our circumstances, Jesus' death and resurrection change how we live--as people of hope.
  • Berean's facilities are empty, yet our church is living out the resurrection of Jesus every day as we serve others. We have over 100 volunteers to make cloth face masks for people in our community and over 300 volunteers who are available to make deliveries and call people who need encouragement.

Jesus is alive! The church is alive! Jesus uses us to bring his message of hope to people who are dead in sin so they can experience new life in Christ.

Listen to Our Easter Message of Hope

If you missed our Easter worship service, please find hope here.


Tags: christmas, easter, he is risen, holidays, resurrection power, find hope, sharing the good news of jesus

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