Family Ministry Blog

Faith Commitment Milestone - Part 3

Baptism plays an important role in the life of both the believer and the church. We've created an outstanding resource for you as you help your children understand baptism and guide them toward a more mature faith in Christ.

by Ben Holden on September 23, 2021


Every parent who is a Christian longs to see their child(ren) develop a resilient faith. That is a faith that is real, has deep roots, and can stand firm against the chaos and lies of the world. God has placed each parent in the life of their child(ren) to help develop and nurture within them a faith in Jesus Christ. At Berean, we (the church) want to partner with parents on this journey.

Thank you for sticking with us for part three of this journey!

This is part three of a series of three blog posts in relation to our Faith Commitment Milestone that is part of our Family Discipleship Plan. In the first post, I shared the opening letter of our Salvation and Baptism Parent Guide that helps parents to talk about the gospel and baptism with their child(ren). In addition, it helps parents to determine the readiness of their child(ren) to take the steps of responding to the gospel through faith, repentance, and making a public declaration through baptism. In the second post, I shared another excerpt from this guide - one that talks about helping your child(ren) to have a clear understanding of the gospel.

In this final post of the series, we want to look at what baptism is and isn't, as well as to determine the readiness of the child(ren) to take that step. Our Salvation and Baptism Parent Guide walks through some key questions.

Key Questions Addressed by the Parent Guide:

What is Baptism?

Baptism is simply your public declaration to the church body that you have turned to Jesus as your Lord and Savior through faith and repentance. Baptism does not bring salvation itself.

Baptism Is...

  • Obedience to the Bible

Baptism is mentioned 70 times in the New Testament. Jesus himself was baptized as an example for us (Matthew 3:16-19). He commands all believers to be baptized.

  • For Believers

    Salvation is by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ. Baptism is for believers after they have put their faith in Jesus Christ.

  • By Immersion

    The word baptism means "to immerse". Every description of baptism in the New Testament was by immersion. The symbolism of baptism as described in Romans 6 can only be fulfilled through immersion.

  • Symbolic

    Baptism is symbolic of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a visual picture that we have died to our sins and old way of life and are alive to a new life in Jesus. It demonstrates that Jesus died on the cross (going backwards into the water), was buried (under the water), and rose again (coming up out of the water) giving us the hope and promise of eternal life in him. It identifies us with Christ and with his body, the church.

  • A Public Testimony to the Church

    At Berean, baptism is required for membership. In the New Testament, baptisms took place with the local body of believers. The church family witnessed and celebrated this together. Baptism also ties us to Christians of all times, all over the world.

  • For Believers, Not Infants

    Some churches practice infant baptism or infant christening. They practice this with the intent to secure the eternity of a young child in heaven if they should die prior to reaching an age where they can put their faith in Christ. In this manner, baptism is looked at as a saving act and pointing toward the faith that a child will one day possess. Berean only practices believer's baptism and not infant baptism, as it is found nowhere in Scripture.

Baptism is not a saving event, but rather a proclamation of a faith that is already possessed.

Why Is Baptism Important?

There are a few important reasons that we see in Scripture as to why we practice baptism and its importance.

  • Jesus was baptized and commands the church to baptize (Matthew 3:25-26; 28:18-20).

    Jesus set the example for his followers by being baptized himself. He also commands us to 'make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.'

  • In Scripture, baptism is regularly connected with belief and salvation.

    In the New Testament, we see baptism following people responding to the good news of Jesus Christ.

  • Baptism indicates a new lifestyle and a commitment to follow Christ.

    Baptism represents a death of our old selves and a birth of our new life as we place Jesus Christ as Lord of our life.

  • Baptism is public.

    Our profession of faith in Jesus Christ as forgiver, Lord, and Savior is meant to be public. We are not to hide the fact that we have turned to Jesus. Baptism is the way that we publicly state this decision.

It is essential to help your child(ren) understand the role of baptism.

Baptism plays an important role in the life of both the believer and the church. Make sure to check out the Salvation and Baptism Parent Guide for further information and guidance as you talk with and lead your child toward a life of faith in Jesus. We hope that it is a helpful resource for you and your family!

The Salvation and Baptism Parent Guide can be found on Berean's website along with many other resources for families here.


  • Adults start the baptism process by attending First Connection which happens on the first Sunday of every month. You'll learn more about what we believe at Berean and why we think being connected in areas such as membership, serving, giving, and growing in your faith is important. You'll also have the opportunity to share a little of your story and hear some of Berean's story. Click here to register for First Connection today.

  • Kids and Students start the baptism process by registering here. We will help parents lead their children through a discussion on the gospel and help kids write out their testimony of coming to faith in Jesus. Together you will meet with a pastor to affirm this step and ask any questions. Click here to start the process today.

Help your Children and teens Get Connected and Grow in Their Faith at Berean!

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Tags: family discipleship, churches in lakeville, churches in burnsville, churches in apple valley, believers baptism, baptism and children, explaining baptism to a child, role of baptism, baptism by immersion, symbolism of baptism, baptism and salvation

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