What's Happening in BK: February 10 - 16
Wednesday (Grade K - 5)
6:30 - 8:00 pm
Wednesday Schedule: January - May
We continue in the unit Power Up - I Am Loved with the lesson "God Loves Best" (God's Big Story) from Genesis 1-3, Luke 2, Acts 1, and Romans 5. Kids will look at the overarching story of God’s love and plan throughout the Bible. God always had a plan to show his incomparable love through his Son, Jesus, who came to offer us a relationship with God. Kids can know that God’s love is the best thing we could want and the greatest thing we need.
Unit Memory Verse: “God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him” (1 John 4:16b).
Wednesday's Café Meal: This Wednesday night's menu options include mac & cheese topped with bacon and served with mixed veggies, roasted garlic tomato soup, chicken strips, crispy chicken garden salad, dinner salad, deli sandwiches, pizza, nachos, and pretzels. The Berean Café is open from 5:15 - 6:30 pm.
Sunday (Birth - Grade 5)
9 AM & 11 AM
Sunday Morning Schedule: January - May
We continue in the unit Up All Night (a unit about how Jesus knows us) with the lesson "Peter Walks on Water" from Matthew 14:22-33. Kids will learn that Jesus was praying on a mountain and told his disciples to cross the sea. While in their boat, a frightening storm arose. Jesus walked on the water to their boat. Peter asked to walk on the water, too. At first, he walked, but when he saw the frightening wind and waves, he began to sink. He cried out to Jesus, who immediately rescued him. As God, Jesus is all-powerful. Jesus has power over nature and can perform miracles. Nothing and no one is greater than God. He has power over all things!
Unit Memory Verse: "O Lord, you have searched me and known me!" (Psalm 139:1)
Parent Prep
Stop by the Parent Central wall to get all the BK news and handouts! To read more about the curriculum we are using, click HERE.
Berean Kids News
*School-A-Palooza Coat Drive: Winter coats are among the most desired items at School-A-Palooza, and we need all sizes for kids from kindergarten to 12th grade. In Minnesota, where frigid temperatures and snowstorms are a way of life, a winter coat isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity. Our goal is to collect 1,000 new coats during our NEW coat drive. Get all the details HERE.
*BK Wednesday Night Families: We are taking a break from regular BK Wednesday programming for a Family Serve Night! Join us on February 26 in the Sanctuary for a time of worship and to learn about Berean's Benevolent Ministry. After that, we’ll head to the gym, where families will work together to make fleece blankets to be donated! Click HERE to register and find information about donating fabric for the blankets.
*Thanks, Eddie: After this week, Eddie Rannells will officially be moving to Berean Youth! We are so grateful for the time Eddie spent in Berean Kids and are excited about what he will be doing in Youth! When you see Eddie this week, thank him for being a part of BK! If you missed the announcement about Preteen and Eddie's move to Berean Youth, read about it HERE.
*BK Sunday Assistant - Apply Today: As the Sunday Assistant, you will provide critical support to Berean’s Sunday morning kids programming by working with our amazing volunteers and creating a welcoming and safe place for kids. You will also be a part of the BK team, supporting the overall ministry of Berean Kids. This is a 15-hour/week position. Find all the details (including other job opportunities at Berean) HERE.
*Jackets & Winter Gear: Please utilize the coat rooms and racks around the building instead of bringing jackets and other winter gear into the classrooms. Thanks!
Volunteer in Berean Kids: To learn more about where you can serve, contact Nicole today!
*In Case You Missed It: Looking for a previous announcement or information about something? Click HERE for past Berean Kids' news and information that is still relevant.
Want more information about Baptism? Click HERE.
Want more information about Child Dedication? Click HERE.
Berean Kids Calendar
*Wednesday, February 26 | Family Serve Night
*Saturday, April 19 | 4 PM Easter Service | Age 0-Preschool
*Sunday, April 20 | 9 AM Easter Service | Age 0-Preschool | No 11 AM Programming
*June 23 - 26 | VBS