W O M E N ' S   M I N I S T R I E S   E D I T I O N


 Women's Ministries Newsletter

Berean Women's Ministry offers a variety of resources and events to study the Word and connect with other women. Whether you're new on your journey toward gospel transformation or have been walking with God for years, there's something here for you! We would love to come alongside you and get to know you. You and your friends are welcome.

Bible Studies

This winter, Women's Ministry is excited to offer 3 studies with various days/times to fit a variety of schedules. Come, get connected with other women while learning the Word of God. Studies will run from March - April

M is for Mama - Abby Helbersdt

Motherhood is a challenge. Unfortunately, our worldly culture offers moms little in the way of real help. Mamas only connect to celebrate surviving another day and to share in their misery rather than rejoice in what God has done and to build each other up in hard times. There has a be a better way, a biblical way, for mamas to grow and thrive.  

Here is when this study meets:

  • In home on Tuesday mornings at 9:30am June 11th - August 6th **Kids welcome (closed)


Come Home by Caroline Saunders

Home should be a place of love and laughter. Shared meals. Special moments. A place of comfort, rest, and safety. Yet the homes we make always seem to fall short of satisfying our longing. They’re imperfect, transitory, and prone to fracture. People leave them. Intruders enter them. Crises shake them. Too often, instead of peace and security, home is a place of brokenness and pain. These failings of our earthly homes expose in us a longing for a better one. The good news is that there is a remedy for our homesickness.  

  • Berean Campus - Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm July 2nd - August 13th


Now and Not Yet by Ruth Chou Simons

Too often, we feel disappointed with our "right now"--our life circumstances, our relationships, our progress, our daily grind. We want to do so many things--good, godly things--but our situations don't allow us to step into them. Are we missing out on our own lives? Why does right now seem so far from where we really long to be?

Bestselling author Ruth Chou Simons reminds us that it's okay to not like the right now we've been given, but we don't have to like it to lean in. In Now and Not Yet, Ruth shows us how to.

  • In home - Wednesday mornings at 10 am June 12th - July 31st **kids welcome


1st , 2nd and 3rd John

Read through these books of the Books of the Bible in a casual setting. Come when you can! 

  • Meadows Park - Thursday mornings at 10am June 13th - August 22nd **kids welcome


Better Together MORE Mentoring Ministry

Our God created us for relationships. Are you desiring to develop a deeper relationship with another woman in our faith family? Our new women's mentoring ministry "Better Together Mentoring" is about:

  • Connecting women one-on-one
  • Journeying through life together
  • Learning to relate authentically through God's Word
  • Connecting with each other through encouragement and prayer

It’s all about walking alongside each other, listening, loving, and pointing each other to Jesus. Each session is very relational and saturated in Scripture. You will reflect on an attribute of God each time you meet, and there is a beautiful pathway for prayer which is foundational for each session. This pathway is a safe, simple, and easy way to build confidence and accountability in your prayer life.  Time Commitment: 13 Sessions, twice a month, 1 ½ hour.

To join Better Together, apply below:

Prayer Warriors

Women with a heart for prayer who gather to pray for our pastors, leaders, ministries, and our Berean faith family.  This group meets every Tuesday.

Tuesday Afternoons | Year-round | 1:00 p.m. 


House of Prayer

Jesus said, “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations." That was His description of the living church — so that is who we are. With Jesus as our Intercessor, we come as we are to our heavenly Father, who loves to hear from His children. Scripture informs our prayers, enabling us to know Him better and pray His will in unity. We pray for spiritual awakening and revival — beginning in our own hearts. Join us on this great adventure! 

Wednesday Evenings | Year round | 6:30pm


Giving Hands

This group of women is “passing on the love of Jesus through personally handmade items to people in our church, community and beyond.” 

If you knit, crochet, sew OR you want to learn these skills AND you are compelled by this purpose, you are welcome here! You will find fellowship, inspiration and equipping centered on this practical expression of Jesus’ love. 

Please register before joining. Come when you can and leave when you must.

4th Tuesday of the month | Year-round | 9AM – 1:00PM



Mom2Mom is a community for mothers with children from birth through high school. Our mission is to equip and disciple moms in truth, reason, reality, and the Bible. We desire to walk alongside you as you grow spiritually and develop relationships that will encourage and challenge you as you navigate this season of life. Come to be encouraged in your faith and inspired to help your children grow in their faith at home. **Childcare available**

This year’s M2M theme: For Such a Time As This: living boldly in a broken world.  You are not here on accident.  God is sovereign over the year of your birth, and he is sovereign over the years of your children's birth.  God created them and called them for the exact moment in time that they're in.  Their life wasn't a coincidence or an accident. This year we will be focusing together on how to parent in our current culture in light of the gospel and in light of the sovereignty of our great God.  He is not scratching His head wondering what He's going to do with this mess of a world.

1st/3rd/5th Tuesday Morning of each month | September - May | 9:30am


Workout Our Faith

Join us for faith-based fitness to strengthen the body, train the mind, and encourage the spirit. Wherever you are with your health, there's a place for you here. 

Tuesday Morning | September - May | 8am

Thursday Evening | September - May | 6pm



On Wednesday nights starting September we want to invite all women to ROOTED! Why ROOTED? We want women to be rooted in studying scripture, rooted in walking with Jesus, and rooted in connecting with other women. This is not a traditional Bible study that builds weekly on the previous lesson. This means that if you miss one week, you will not be behind on study for the next week. The format will be a teaching (a mix of live teaching and videos) with going deeper and discussion questions. There is no book to buy. Bring yourself, your Bible, and maybe a friend and come ready to be ROOTED! 

Wednesday Evenings | September - April | 6:30pm