Aug 18-25, 2019

    Aug 18, 2019 |

    1. The haunting whistle of the German pastor speaks to a very painful past. What is the haunting whistle of the past speaking to for you? What have you done to silence the cries that have not been helpful? How have you found Matthew 11:28 rest in your past pain. Maybe you haven’t found this rest. Speak to this in your small group if you are able.  
    2. How did Jesus get to the heart of the matter with the Samaritan woman?
    3. The Bible calls the enemy, Our accuser. He uses guilt and shame to kill and destroy. The Samaritan woman drew her water at the 6th hour to avoid exposing her shame. Satan clearly uses shame to make you withdraw. How has shame been used in your life to cause you to hide?
    4. Jesus goers after the heart because of his great love for her. No bowed heads, no closed eyes; He cuts to the quick. Not to shame, but to set you free. Speak to the joy of being set free in Christ and how he did it. It’s time to get off the guilt train!
    5. The Living water: How can setting your mind on the “forever forgiveness” found in John 4 and Hebrews 10 set you free?
    6. What does going to the living water look like for you?
    7. Grace greater than our sin. How does one “drink” of the grace, the living water of Christ without taking advantage of this great gift? Romans 6:1-4
    8. Per Wes, “You Got a Testimony?” Tell us. Let us celebrate your freedom and celebrate Christ!


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