Aug 25-31, 2019

Aug 25, 2019 |

Take about 45 minutes during your missional community gathering to discuss what God is teaching you and how he is leading you in light of the weekend sermon.


  1. This was the last week of the traveling light sermon series. Was there something from the series you found most impactful?
  2. Were you able to share a sermon or anything you learned from the series with a friend? How did they respond?
  3. When in your life did you transition into understanding the world to be a broken place of tragedy? Was there an event that led to it?

Application: A gospel in a world of suffering is more credible than one of prosperity.

(Read 2 Corinthians 4:7-18)

  1. How would you define the prosperity gospel?
  2. What separates the prosperity gospel from the Gospel Paul is teaching about.
  3. What makes the prosperity gospel so attractive in the U.S? Why does credibility and prosperity seem to go together? Do people get this impression from the size of some modern mega churches verses smaller ones?
  4. What reasons does Paul give for his suffering?
  5. Why is Paul’s message more relatable when he doesn’t try explain away the challenges of this broken world for Christians?

Application: What you believe about your future impacts your present

  1. What are some of your common beliefs about your near future? How does that impact your emotions throughout your day?
  2. Why is it difficult to focus on our eternal future verses our near future?
  3. Have you found any habits, reminders, or specific sayings that have been helpful in keeping your eyes on your eternal future?
  4. What are some things about your eternal future you are most looking forward to?
  5. How would your life change today if you were better able to be like Paul and carry the weight of your future glory in Christ?

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