Jan 5-11, 2020

Jan 5, 2020 |


  1. What are some fun things you have planned for the new year?
  2. What would you say is the biggest challenge you are facing going into the new year? What are some things you have done to prepare for it?
  3. What role do you want the Christian community to play in your life going into the new year?

Application: God uses the afflicted to comfort the afflicted.

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 1:1-11. When was the last time you read the book of 2 Corinthians? What do you remember from it? Did you know Paul had actually written four letters instead of just two to the Corinthian church?
  2. Reread verse 4. Pastor Roger said, “You should never trust someone without a limp.” Why was that?
  3. What limp do you personally have that enables you to comfort others?
  4. Reread verse 6. What kind of mindset or heart do you have to be operating from in order for this to be the way you think? What are some truths we can meditate on to help us think this way?

Application: Healing comes from purpose.

  1. Pastor Roger opened the sermon with the illustration of the lumberjacks being asked to swing at trees with axes without ax heads. What was the real cause of their frustration? What areas of your life do you currently feel like this?
  2. Why is it that we all are so susceptible to falling into the trap of meaninglessness during times of affliction?
  3. When was a time in your life you wish you could have back and approach from the angle of purpose in learning to be comforted from the God of all comfort?
  4. Who is someone in your life right now that you should be comforting?


Bible Reading Plan

01/05 2 Corinthians 1:1-11
01/06 Romans 8:26-38
01/07 John 14:16-27
01/08 Matthew 5:1-10
01/09 Psalm 1:1-6
01/10 Psalm 30:5
01/11 2 Corinthians 1:1-11


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