Sept 22-28, 2019

Sep 22, 2019 |
A wake up call to the church at war
Pastor Wes Feltner

Sep 22-28 (Downloadable PDF)

Revelation 2:1-3:22 Pastor Wes Feltner 

Take about 45 minutes during your missional community gathering to discuss what God is teaching you and how he is leading you in light of the weekend sermon.


  1. Wes titled this last weeks sermon A Wakeup Call to the Church at War. Is there anything that stands resonates with you from that title?
  2. Think about where you were at in your faith maturity a year ago from today. How would you describe this last season of your faith journey?
  3. If the church consisted of a thousand people just like you, what kind of letter would Christ be writing to the church?

Application: We can be doctrinally right and missionally irrelevant.

  1. Read Revelation Chapters 2-3. Wes said, “If you’re not careful you will start loving the truth of Jesus more than Jesus.” What does this look like in the Christian life?
  2. What are some modern theological topics that people tend to become intellectually prideful over?
  3. What do you think leads a person to develop this type of attitude? Have you ever been in their shoes?
  4. Do you have any counter truths or verses you use to help catch yourself when you are getting to that point? How do they help you?
  5. If you were to witness someone in the church having theological and intellectual pride towards another Christian, how would you go about confronting them in a way that pointed them back to the truth?

Application: Cultural Receptivity replaces biblical fidelity

  1. Which church in Revelation does this status (cultural receptivity replaces biblical fidelity) apply to? Is there anything about Jesus’ warning to the church that causes you the most concern?
  2. In what ways do you see the American church wanting to blend in with culture today?
  3. Are there any of these areas you yourself feel most susceptible to?
  4. What are some ways we personally can help prevent Berean from falling into this trap?
  5. What do you see are some of the consequences of the American church falling into being overly culturally receptive?

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