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Celebrate Advent as a Family: Who Is Jesus? | Family Ministry Blog | Berean Baptist Church

Celebrate Advent as a Family: Who Is Jesus?

by Tanner Pinkerman on December 14, 2020

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6-7).

Our family started an advent devotional called Prepare Him Room by Marty Machowski. I highly recommend it for your family!

On the first night, we made a makeshift advent wreath out of a paper plate and tea candles. I’m sure this had nothing to do with my artistic laziness, but rather my passion for mirroring the simplicity of the nativity. (Not really, I was just lazy.)

Anyway, we read the passage in Isaiah 9 and talked through the four “His name shall be called” titles. It was really neat to describe these names to the kids and to reflect on the fact that Isaiah prophesied about Jesus seven centuries before his birth!

We also listened to Handel’s Messiah: For Unto Us a Child Is Born and identified these magnificent names as the choir sang them. (My family endured hearing me sing the alto part for the entire song … can’t keep the choir girl quiet.)

The four of us ended our time by picking a name of Jesus and coloring a sign (again, insert paper plates). My son proudly ran for the Scotch tape and began to put the plates up in a prominent location of our house. Now we can see the prophesied names of the Savior every day during this month. And my kids (and their parents) have a new and expanded appreciation and wonder of the Christ child who is God the Son, our Savior!

These names are assuring (Wonderful Counselor), magnificent (Mighty God), grandiose (Everlasting Father), and comforting (Prince of Peace). These names belong to a Savior who came to dwell among us, sacrifice for us, and save us. These names are just a small description of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. What a privilege it is to serve him and reflect on his birth this season.

Life can be mundane. Jesus is not!

For unto us, a child is born!

Tags: jesus, advent, parenting, family time, quality time, christmas, messiah, wonderful counselor, everlasting father, prince of peace, almighty god

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