Family Ministry Blog

Do You Know Who God Is?

by Dan Goldschmidt on January 20, 2020

If I were to ask you to describe your best friend, spouse, or sibling, you would likely be able to do that without any trouble. You could describe not just their physical attributes — hair color, eye color, height — but also what their personality is like. Are they outgoing or quiet, generous or frugal, artistic or logical thinkers?

Can You Describe God?

In all likelihood, the answer is yes to some degree, and that is good! You don’t need to know everything about God in order to know the saving grace of the gospel. But as we continue to follow God as his disciple, I think it is important to continually learn more about him.

While there is not an exact number of attributes that are shown in the Bible, many lists contain almost thirty attributes. A.W. Tozer talks about twenty of them in his books, The Attributes of God Volumes 1 and 2. Mark Jones lists and talks about twenty-six attributes of God in his book, God Is, which is an excellent devotional book. My point is there is more to God than we probably think, and that should be exciting, not overwhelming.

Delve Deeper into Who God Is

There are so many books and devotionals that deal with topics such as marriage or singleness, finances, dating, anxiety, healthy living, career choice, spiritual disciplines, and more. And all too rare are there studies about God, who is behind it all.

Next time you need a new devotional or study you might pick one up that talks about who God is, not just what he wants from us or what he does. And hopefully, you and your family will gain deeper awe for our infinite and perfect God and Creator.

Tags: theology, god's character, study, devotions, attributes of god

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