Family Ministry Blog

How to Create Opportunities for Better Parenting

by Ben Holden on December 03, 2020

One of the greatest tools parents possess in our parenting tool belt is the ability to ask our kids questions and listen to their responses. However, without thinking about what we're doing, sometimes we "communicate" with a hammer.

  • Instead of talking with our children, we talk at them.
  • We point out things they are doing wrong or they need to fix.
  • We assume that we know what they are thinking or feeling.

When we talk with our kids we can understand their hearts, help them, and give them what they really need.

Philip Daniel De Jesus provides us with four great questions to ask when we notice changes in our children's behavior. De Jesus writes:

"Choosing to lean in might actually be easier than you think. Yes, it requires courage to initiate conversations, but it also takes simple curiosity and the willingness to listen more than speak. When we notice our kids starting to change, it may require a change on our part too. What if we saw these changes not as obstacles to overcome, but as opportunities to leverage? And every great opportunity worth investing in should begin with some questions."

4 Questions to Ask When You Notice a Shift in Your Child's Behavior by Philip Daniel De Jesus

Tags: ask questions, better parenting, initiate conversations, notice changes in behavior

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