Family Ministry Blog

Regular Bible Reading Matters Now and in the Future

by Ben Holden on April 06, 2020

In the fall of 2016, LifeWay Research asked Protestant churchgoing parents to describe the upbringing and current spiritual health of their young adult children. They found 15 factors that were most predictive of spiritual health in young adulthood.

Some of the top influences while children were growing up include:

  • Regularly spending time in prayer
  • Regularly serving in church
  • Primarily listening to Christian music
  • Participating in church mission trips/projects

Yet, the number one factor leading to spiritual health in the life of a young adult was overwhelmingly reading the Bible regularly while growing up.

This makes sense, doesn't it? We know that the Bible is the very Word of God. It is how he reveals himself to us. It is where we learn about who God is, what he has done, and what he promises he will do. It is the primary way that God speaks to us. Therefore, if kids spend regular time in God's Word, they will have a greater likelihood of developing a well-grounded, deep, authentic faith that will last into their adult years.

This concept isn't just true for the younger generation. It is true for people of all ages. The best way for us to grow in our understanding of God, Jesus, and the gospel is to spend time reading and studying God's Word. But even as adults, this can be intimidating.

Let's be frank. The Bible isn't always easy to read.

Yes, the Bible is full of great stories, intense action, and incredible wisdom. Often when we attend church, it comes alive as someone reads from the Scriptures and teaches from it.

The hard part is when we are sitting in our homes with a large leather-bound book on our laps and we don't know where to turn. If we overcome this hurdle, we open it up and try to read language that doesn't always come naturally. We feel intimidated, get discouraged, struggle in the experience, and eventually give up. But can we afford to do this?

As parents, there are a couple of key reasons for us to regularly read and study God's Word.

  1. It is imperative for our own spiritual health. Again, the Bible is God's primary way of speaking to us, teaching us, and revealing himself to us. If our faith is going to be fed, nurtured, and grown, it takes regular time placing ourselves in the arena of the truth of Scripture.
  2. It is important for our children and the development of their faith. They need to see us emulating the practice of spending time in God's Word. They need someone to teach them how to engage in this practice and help them understand the importance of it. They need someone that can answer their questions and to walk alongside them as they develop this habit.

3 Steps Towards Regular Bible Reading

Each of us will find our own path to embrace regular Bible reading in our schedules. Here are three ideas to help you along the way.

Shut Down Excuses

This may sound a bit harsh, but if you think about it, this may be your biggest hurdle to overcome. We have taught ourselves to believe that we don't have enough time, or that this season of life is too chaotic. We might even use the insecurity of not knowing how to engage in this practice as to why we can't start.

There are all sorts of excuses that we can (and often do) come up with when it comes to regular Bible reading. Let's be honest with ourselves. We are only too busy to do the things we don't really want to do. We all create priorities in our lives. The key is to make this a top priority.

It may require getting up a little earlier in the morning or spending less time watching TV or playing that game on our phones. The more we make excuses, the less likely we are to build a habit like this.

Find Good Resources

This is one of the most important keys to success. Usually, when people become determined to spend time reading the Bible, they sit down and begin with Genesis 1:1. There are some interesting (and familiar) things at the beginning of the Bible, but it can very quickly take a turn toward the "less interesting" and "harder to understand" passages. Resources to help guide you, encourage you, and provide some explanation can go a long way.

Right now, for my own personal Bible reading and study, I am tapping into some great resources from He Reads Truth. This organization is all about helping men to regularly spend time in God's Word. They offer reading "helps" and studies for many books of the Bible, as well as some topical studies.

Currently, I am doing an 8-week study called Men & Women in the Word: Old Testament. Each day I am reading the story of a different character in the Old Testament and engaging in the popular study method of observation, interpretation, and application. The study provides some good questions to help me in this process. He Reads Truth operates in conjunction with She Reads Truth (the origination point of this effort), and Kids Read Truth. I would highly recommend you check them out. They are producing some great resources for men, women, and kids that can help you build the habit of reading and studying God's Word, which will help to develop and strengthen your faith.


This one may sound like a no-brainer, but it can be the hardest part. I recommend designating a time and a place that you will engage in this practice. But don't try to clear this hurdle on your own. Find someone that can help to hold you accountable. Let someone that you trust know what you are going to be doing and give them permission to check in with you on how you are doing, provide encouragement, and help to push you toward action and consistency. Trust me, as with any habit, starting is the hardest part, but once you do it for a little while, you'll get your legs under you and you will be off and running.

It isn't surprising that LifeWay found that the greatest impact on a lasting faith is spending regular time reading God's Word. It is an important habit for us to form and an important habit for our kids to form as well. If you have questions, need help, or want more suggestions of resources to help you and your kids spend time reading the Bible, please reach out to us. This is why we are here! We would love to help you get started on this incredible journey.

* For more information about the research project mentioned above by LifeWay Research, check out an article by Bob Smietana on the findings of the study here.

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