Family Ministry Blog

Unexpected News: Hope in the God Who Hears

by Ben Holden on August 17, 2020

Receiving a disability diagnosis for your child is a difficult thing. I haven't experienced this first-hand, but Jared Kennedy has. He shares the emotions he and his wife felt when they heard their child's diagnosis and moving forward together. He offers some insight for parents who are walking this path, as well as for those who know and love someone who is.

In this blog post, Kennedy relates the biblical story of Hannah, the hurts, struggles, and faith that she encounters and exemplifies, and relates it to those who are walking through their own struggles that come with unexpected news. I highly encourage you to take the time to read this post, to empathize with those on this journey, and to know that the Lord remembers those in the midst of struggle.

Kennedy writes:

"While I want to grow in empathy, and I pray that the church will grow in empathy, that’s not where our hope for families with disabilities rests. Our hope is in the God who hears. God won’t always give us what we ask for, but he knows our pain. He hears us. And he delights in reaching down into our brokenness to make something beautiful out of our weakness — just as he did with Hannah."

Help and Hope During A Disability Diagnosis: The Story of Hannah by Jared Kennedy

Tags: prenatal diagnosis, unexpected news, autism, down syndrome, sharing a diagnosis, receiving a diagnosis, el roi, god who hears, god who sees me

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